
Today I testified at the Ohio Senate for HB73. I’ll be sharing more soon here on substack and on the show regarding this fight, for now I just want to say thank you to everyone behind this bill, Stephanie Stock of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF) OhioAMF.org, the incredible Dr. Bartlett, and everyone else involved, God Bless you all and as always it’s an absolute honor to fight alongside great patriots in my home state.

Rumble link: https://rumble.com/v4wtdor-tom-renzs-testimony-at-ohio-senate-for-hb73-oamf.html

Find out more at OhioOAMF.org and TomRenz.com.

What Will HB 73 Do For You?

• Protect your access to life saving drugs prescribed by your doctor both from outpatient pharmacies and when you are in the hospital.

• Prohibit licensing boards from taking action against the your health provider if they speak out about drug or vaccine risks or suggest alternative treatment options.

• Prohibit the W.H.O. from having any “jurisdiction in Ohio”.

Get involved and find ways you can fight in your state at FreedomBrigades.com - let's bring constitutional rights legislation to every state!

Support Tom's fight at TomRenz.com

Review my testimony outline below:

Date: 05/20/2024

Testimony Outline: Chairman Huffman, Vice Chair Johnson, and Members of the Senate Health Committee, thank you for hearing my support testimony for HB 73, The Dave & Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act”

1. Introduction and overview for HB73

a. Protecting access to FDA approved drugs used off-label was the basis for the foundation of the bill, Protecting the medical free speech provision in this bill is paramount in protecting the health provider, their patient’s right to informed consent, and even the public who many never hear opposing views if health providers are afraid to express concerns for fear of retribution on their licenses.

b. Abortion

i. This law does not expand or extend access to abortion drugs. There is a moral or religious exemption for fulfilling a prescription. A doctor or pharmacist that wants nothing to do with abortion can claim a moral exemption.

ii. Abortion is now – due to Issue 1 – in our state Constitution. This is a disaster but this law can not expand that.

iii. In fact, with the clear language about moral objections, it re-affirms the moral and religious right to object to being forced to prescribe or fill these drugs.

c. Veterinary – in no way does this allow pet medicine to be prescribed for people. Federal law requires that veterinary drugs can only be prescribed by a licensed veterinarian and for use on an animal as described in 21 USC 353(f) .

d. Because this bill is obviously referring to human patients and since only a Vet can prescribe Veterinary drugs to animals, there is simply no reasonable argument that this law would allow for drugs approved for animals to be prescribed for people unless they were also FDA approved for human usage.

e. Drug Shortages – if there is a drug shortage a doctor or pharmacist can choose to prioritize the sickest patients getting the drugs by using a “moral objection” to fill for less severe patients.



a. History – CFR and Reproduction Rate and our overreaction

b. Hospital protocols – my experiences

c. Errors – social distancing, masks, ivermectin

i. Officials now recognize that social distancing was never based on science

ii. Officials now recognize that masks never worked

iii. Officials now recognize that ivermectin is useful in treating COVID

3. WHO Treaty

a. What it does

i. The final language is still being finalized

ii. Generally this action by the WHO will likely expand WHO authority into US policy – possibly extending into the states

b. Why it matters

i. The WHO is not a friend to Ohio and they supported many of the bad policies that failed during COVID.

ii. They are pushing for many things that are against the rights of Ohioans in case of a pandemic such as further lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, possibly forced isolation and testing, and control over treatments

c. HB73 states clearly that the WHO will have no jurisdiction in the state of Ohio which will limit their ability to enforce anything in Ohio that is a protected power under the 10th Amendment. This will keep Ohioans safe from foreign interference in our rights.

4. Conclusion- HB 73 crosses party lines, saves lives, protects medical free speech, and ensures Ohio remains sovereign in the face of global interference. I urge the Senate to stand with the people of Ohio vote YES on HB 73.

Sincerely yours, Thomas Renz Attorney/Advocate/Analyst

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