
Freedom Brigade Nation Podcast - The Truth About DHS & J6ers Christmas

Enjoy this special episode of the Freedom Brigade Nation Podcast where I was honored to and grateful I could join. Charity and Producer Andrea go live every Wednesday with Minister Ibn Ali to highlight the great work going on at Freedom Brigades. On this show you’ll see why I got worked up (and quite frankly pissed off) and inspired to fight a few more battles for freedom. This fight is far from over, in many ways the President Trump victory is only the beginning.

I am proud to partner with Charity Linch and the Freedom Brigades, they represent the boots on the ground patriots that are standing up to corruption, cleaning up their communities, and fighting the enemy locally. Remember what my good friend General Flynn has been imploring our nation to do every chance he gets, “LOCAL ACTION = NATION IMPACT!” The change starts with everyday citizens like you. I am a nobody from a small town in Ohio, trust me when I say everyone can stand with us and make a difference.

If you want to get involved and fight against corruption where you are this is how you start, go to www.FreedomBrigades.com and SIGN UP. They will show you that with only 4 hours a month you can make a HUGE impact in your community.

I’m working closely with the Freedom Brigades to build out a chapter in every state. This organization of grassroots patriots are a powerful tool in my LAWFARE arsenal. They help me know where help is needed and where my legal, legislative and media support can be weaponized and used for good to fight against corruption and create CHANGE. The enemy wants to destroy our constitution, poison our foods, and quite literally steal our children.

Stand with us now, or risk losing your freedoms and your children’s future. Join us today.


Support The Freedom Brigades here:


Grab tickets to the Determined Patriotism Conference at www.determinedpatriotismconference.com and tell the Freedom Brigades sent you!

Subscribe to their substack here: FreedomBrigades.Substack.com

Join Tom Renz & Ibn Ali's ministry: www.TheKingdomFight.org

Support the show: www.TomRenz.com

Todays Guests:

Support Loy Brunson: 7Discoveries.com and LoyBrunson.com

Sign the Pennsylvania Petition: PetitionPA.org

Support Gabe: RescueClayton.com

J6 Christmas Drive: PatriotMailProject.com



The Freedom Brigades preserve and fight for America and the ideals that make her.

Patriots in the Brigades organize and each attend different local meetings, always keeping the eye of the eagle on our government. We each take a different meeting and come back together to collaborate and strategize. THIS IS THE RESISTANCE

Our Approach

The Freedom Brigades take back their communities. We know this is a spiritual battle. Faith without works is dead. Joining the Freedom Brigades is joining a network of communication between Patriots standing up for freedom. WE THE PEOPLE are effectively communicating from the local level to the national level to save our Republic.

Our Impact

The Freedom Brigades started in Oklahoma in 2020 and have spread to have a national impact. Many states are joining ranks, and our force is unmatched. The brigades have been successful against smart city agendas, SEL & pornography in schools, and more. Many brigades are taking back their GOP from the establishment. Patriots are taking back their country, and we are joining forces.

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Email Producer Andrea for bookings at media@TomRenz.com