
Larry Ellison is talking about universal surveillance to "keep everyone on their best behavior" and at the same time talking about using AI for predictive healthcare. This is terrifying or should be. Predictive AI based on mental health issues is ultimately the stuff Minority Report was built on. Folks - our freedom is on the line and we need to be ready. This show is critical and make sure you stick around until the end.

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Let me help you with that. The FDA supports exactly what you're saying, because in this same document, going back to 2006, they talk about the expression of whatever's going on here, right? So prolonged expression of the transgene may also be associated with long-term risks resulting from unregulated cell growth and malignant transformation, autoimmune-like reaction to the antigens, and unpredictable adverse events. Now, let me translate that into English, unregulated cell growth and malignant transformation means cancer. This is the FDA acknowledging and admitting that these COVID vaccines would cause cancer, right? They've known that these mRNA-type programs, these gene therapies, they've known they could cause cancer since 2006. This is an outright admission in 2006, the gene therapy products can cause cancer, okay? So in 2006, they knew this, but they seem to have forgotten since COVID vaccines came out, which they did not do any long-term testing.

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