“…is there an effort on the part of the bad guys to stoke or fake an event that would result in the public lashing out in a lawless way? An event that could impact the election?”

I would bet money on that Tom.

I too, pray for our country. God help us. Please forgive us from turning away from You. 🙏🙏🙏

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Good morning, Counselor, and thank you for this article! I particularly appreciate the last four sentences. These concerns have been on my mind as well. The puppet-masters of the powers that be can break all the laws they want in subduing us, but we have to stay within the bounds of the Constitution and Constitutional Laws.

I am also concerned about one of the reports from a Congressman that there are 5 or 6 terrorist cells known to be in the U.S. that are "more or less hit squads." If these are turned loose against us and we start exercising our inalienable rights to defend ourselves, this could be termed to be an insurrection (where we are claimed to be the offending parties). That could turn loose a large amount of government reactions against us that could be worse than the pandemic restrictions. We are on the brink of an awful situation for the Republic.

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You make excellent points, Tom, but there are things about Miller that don’t make sense to me. Who drives to a neighboring state with their passport, in this case, multiple passports? Wouldn’t most people leave their passport at home. It’s not like he boarded a plane or was traveling to or from another country. Why multiple driver’s licenses? Is that false? An unregistered vehicle? Was the license plate actually a valid plate and the sheriff told an untruth? I can understand that someone might travel from NV with a gun where it is legal to a state where it is illegal, thinking they would just keep it in the trunk of the car. But one would have to know that that would be a risky thing to do, especially knowing that one’s car would be searched at the rally and knowing it’s CA. And why fake press credentials when he has been working as what he would call as “an investigative journalist,” or was that also untrue? Miller, reportedly, voted for Obama and also considered voting for Bernie Sanders but changed his mind when he learned more about socialism. I only had a chance to listen to about the 1st 10 min of the Sheriff’s new conference, but it appeared to me that he was smiling throughout it, but hard to tell because his smile was obscured by his mustache. I trust your instincts Tom, so maybe you can explain some of these things.

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Tom, we often think of guns being used to carry out assassinations. But what about the use of a chemical or bioweapon, or the use of some kind of kinetic energy device? What was the cause of the temporary blindness, eye pain and facial flushing that sent a number of AZ rally goers to the emergency room who were seated near the President? The left is getting desperate. Foreign actors are also in our country courtesy of the Harris-Biden administration.

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Or perhaps they will queue the alien invasion.

Read what attorney Jeff Childers says about it in his stack today:


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Yes, Tom, something smacks about this “event”. First blush, here we go again, but a couple hours later it was “WTH?”. Nothing was adding up. Fake news. The media is fully complicit with the Uniparty in this effort to take out Trump by any means. And, frankly, I would only trust Constitutional Sheriffs at this point; all others are suspect without knowing who backed them, funded their campaigns, etc. Sad we have come to this, but the evil that is being exposed in this country and around the globe runs very deep in all societies and at all levels. Witness the developing P. Diddy scandal. It will not be an easy battle, not with the terrorist infiltration arranged by the Obama/Biden/Harris group…

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