You hit the nail on the head. The Dems are brainwashed and there is no reasoning with them. I've tried! They're digging their own grave faster than anyone else could.
No matter how many people look at me as a wacko, I am wanting America to be great, because once upon a time, America was a place to go to find freedom. Been a while, but yes, it was a free country. And God willing, it will continue to be.
I agree with you Tom about Secretary Kennedy. Give the public some truths about haxxines. Like he said in op-ed… transparency. Transparency would be if he at least told the public that there are serious harms from injections and tell what they are, risks vs. benefits, liability shields for injection producing companies, list the toxic ingredients in injections… to start with. People should be made aware. Most people don’t know. I didn’t know before 2020. I sadly allowed all the shots for my kids born 1988, 1991, & 1997. I was not informed of any risks or harms. Do my kids have issues? Yes. Asthma, allergies, ADHD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, and just learned my eldest(36) is on the Autism Spectrum. Kennedy needs to start saving the children immediately. There are certainly big nuggets of truth that all parents should be informed about.
You hit the nail on the head. The Dems are brainwashed and there is no reasoning with them. I've tried! They're digging their own grave faster than anyone else could.
No matter how many people look at me as a wacko, I am wanting America to be great, because once upon a time, America was a place to go to find freedom. Been a while, but yes, it was a free country. And God willing, it will continue to be.
I agree with you Tom about Secretary Kennedy. Give the public some truths about haxxines. Like he said in op-ed… transparency. Transparency would be if he at least told the public that there are serious harms from injections and tell what they are, risks vs. benefits, liability shields for injection producing companies, list the toxic ingredients in injections… to start with. People should be made aware. Most people don’t know. I didn’t know before 2020. I sadly allowed all the shots for my kids born 1988, 1991, & 1997. I was not informed of any risks or harms. Do my kids have issues? Yes. Asthma, allergies, ADHD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, and just learned my eldest(36) is on the Autism Spectrum. Kennedy needs to start saving the children immediately. There are certainly big nuggets of truth that all parents should be informed about.