Politicians are afraid of transparency because they’re dirty and love the money they’re paid to be dirty. Specifics are minor details. Cynical, I know - but it’s my take in a nutshell. Sunlight is the best disinfectant…and you’ll never hear that from a politician who is afraid of transparency.

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We breed deep corruption with the absence of term limits.

Big Pharma pimps will find their courtesans (oh you know the word) even with term limits, however, congress, in it’s current state, is "a house (and senate) of ill-repute”.

RFK Jr. MUST get approved.

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I disagree. RFK Jr is radical. He’s a radical environmentalist and he is radical on the abortion issue and some other things (reason what I never would have wanted him to become President). However, he’s not being nominated to run the EPA and he said he would follow Trump’s lead on abortion. But we need a radical to head HHS because we need a radical overhaul of the agencies within it. We need someone who will root out the corruption and special interests. We need the approval of medical treatments and devices to be evidence based. RFK Jr is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to “vaccines.” He said he won’t ban any vaccines but he wants people to be informed about their risks and benefits. This displeases those of us who want the C19 and other mRNA treatments banned, seeing how very unsafe and ineffective they are. If RFK Jr were to say that the risks far outweigh any benefits of these treatments he would be considered by many to be a heretic and would not get confirmed. Besides, he was never given the opportunity to explain the data behind this conclusion by the Senators that kept interrupting him who kept accusing him of being responsible for the death of children from measles who were not vaccinated. They insinuated that there would be plagues of infectious diseases killing children who were unvaccinated if he were to be confirmed. Whether or not RFK Jr gets confirmed, I’m not hopeful that the C19 shots, nasal sprays or topicals will be withdrawn any time soon.

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