A big question: Was it ignorance of how the human body worked or was it deliberate to promote these so called vaccines for America's children starting in the 1950s? I permitted my children's doctor to give them shots, because I trusted the doctor. I didn't think to ask him, ""What items are in these shots?" My first child nearly died from them...and I believe they affected him lifelong psychologically. They damage the glands in the brain, too. In the 1980s information started surfacing about the danger of these shots, but it wasn't until I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization that I was appalled and shocked that doctors were so ignorant that they would inject children with items like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc....and tell parents these items would protect the children from disease. It is appalling that doctors did not know that the only thing that belongs in the bloodstream were nutrients from wholesome natural unprocessed food.. Injecting foreign proteins, elements, or any other substances would damage the organs and cells in the body. Was it ignorance or was this inoculation program done deliberately? Ignorance is not bliss.
Anything that changes DNA can have untold adverse effects in the short or long-term. That and the fact that so many who took the mRBA shots have either died or now have adverse health effects (many of them quite serious), the I would say there absolutely should be an investigation, not just that the mRNA COVID jabs cause cancer but that they can cause other diseases. Gene "therapy" is a misnomer in my opinion; it should be gene "interference" or gene "modification". There's nothing "therapeutic" about it.
Well, Happy Birthday, Tom! And many more! Thank you as well for all you have done for all of us.
A big question: Was it ignorance of how the human body worked or was it deliberate to promote these so called vaccines for America's children starting in the 1950s? I permitted my children's doctor to give them shots, because I trusted the doctor. I didn't think to ask him, ""What items are in these shots?" My first child nearly died from them...and I believe they affected him lifelong psychologically. They damage the glands in the brain, too. In the 1980s information started surfacing about the danger of these shots, but it wasn't until I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization that I was appalled and shocked that doctors were so ignorant that they would inject children with items like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc....and tell parents these items would protect the children from disease. It is appalling that doctors did not know that the only thing that belongs in the bloodstream were nutrients from wholesome natural unprocessed food.. Injecting foreign proteins, elements, or any other substances would damage the organs and cells in the body. Was it ignorance or was this inoculation program done deliberately? Ignorance is not bliss.
Anything that changes DNA can have untold adverse effects in the short or long-term. That and the fact that so many who took the mRBA shots have either died or now have adverse health effects (many of them quite serious), the I would say there absolutely should be an investigation, not just that the mRNA COVID jabs cause cancer but that they can cause other diseases. Gene "therapy" is a misnomer in my opinion; it should be gene "interference" or gene "modification". There's nothing "therapeutic" about it.
Happy Birthday!! It looks like Idaho is ready to charge Fauci. This is all I have…