In the recent past, I was asked to look into a family that was facing a situation where their child had cancer and hospital was threatening to call child services if the parents and child did not consent to chemotherapy.
This just further defines the corrupt medical system under which we live. I have grown to distrust and hate the medical, pharma, and big ag systems in place in this country. We need a law that provides capital punishment for those (Gates, Fauci, and Hotez immediately come to mind) that would mess with or experiment with our health, or especially that of our children. As long as the parent isn’t grossly physically or psychologically abusing their children, the state must have no say in the raising of those children. We were a far healthier society before these entities started messing around.
Big Pharma primarily owns the medical system used in this it dictates the treatments to be used. Its monies have paid off its cronies in Congress who passed these draconian laws to benefit its benefactors. Big Pharma would not have its monetary power, if it had not been for the passage of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which took away all its liability for deaths and injuries caused by its dangerous and defective products. When I developed a rapidly growing tumor back in 1976, two doctors told me that if I didn't have treatment immediate, I would be given no guarantees. Well, I opted for prayer and within a couple days a book came into my hands with an answer. I followed the information and in less than three months the tumor was gone, Twelve years later, I developed another nasty looking tumor with spikes coming on it right above my breast. I did the same thing I did before, examined the foods I was eating. The first time I removed the dairy; and the second time I removed honey....and in less than 3 months the second tumor disappeared too. I learned, if you don't feed a tumor it will not grow. Nothing grows without FUEL. Excess protein and fat created the first one; and excess carbs from the honey in my herb tea created the second one. I was drinking many cups of herb tea daily...adding honey. Life is all about learning.
Please look into Lion mane mushroom supplements to help your wife fight her cancer. And the Ivermectin works to aid treatments. Many blessings to your family this New Year!
It is a myth that the United States of America was ever a democracy (most of the famous founder elite such as John Adams equated democracy with mob rule and wanted no part of it). The United States of America was actually created as a republic, in which Americans were supposed to have power through representatives who were supposed to actually represent the American people. The truth today, however, is that the United States is neither a democracy nor a republic. Americans are ruled by a corporatocracy: a partnership of "too-big-to-fail" corporations, the extremely wealthy elite, and corporate-collaborator government officials.
Lincoln made first executive order as Caesar of the USA and made himself President Dictator and president of the Corporation ending the republic. We have been living under martial law ever since. FDR even passed law that all US Citizens are the enemy of the USA. The US is bankrupt and has been since 1933, The Recievers of the US Bankruptcy is the INT Bankers via the World Bank, UN, and IMF
All US offices, officers and Depts are working under a "de-facto" status only under the emergency war powers. This new form of gmt is known as a democracy(Instead of Republic) being and established communist/socialist order under the "The New Governor of America" - Congressional Record March 17th, 1993, Vol 33, Page H-1303. It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been disolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR
Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Depts and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973).
Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR ex ord 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within"the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman and or transmitting utility.JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Dimenutio Maxima.
Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968.
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation.Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES ;)
What people around the world MUST FINALLY come to understand, is that NO ONE OF US even have to CARE what these corporate clowns like Gates, Schwab, and/or any other of these so called "leaders" and their CORPORATE MASTERS OPERATING IN THE SHADOWS, whom they serve, want! ALL so called "governments" are CORPORATIONS, just like any other corporation, like the WHO and the WEF. And not a single corporation in the world has LAWFUL jurisdiction or authority over ANY LIVING HUMAN being.
This is the key folks.. This contemporary human system does NOT recognize you as a living human being, but as the legal "person"! I.E. the name on the "birth" certificate. This name on the "Birth' certificate is a dead corporate legal fiction, and so long as you identify as and with this dead corporate legal fiction, that is owned by the corporate & privately owned globalist central banking crime syndicate controlled, corporate "governments", so long do you accept to be recognized by them as this dead corporate entity, that they own and can do with whatever they want. Educate yourself on this and DELIVER yourself from the slavery system!
The globalist corporation, that is referred to as "the state" owns the fraudulent enslavement contracts, called "Birth" certificates. The name on "your" "Birth" certificate, is a corporate LEGAL FICTION. This all has nothing to do with law, as this whole Vatican CQV Birth trust swindle is ENTIRELY UNLAWFUL. No one of us must comply with this corporate scam! This whole CovID scam is still running, ONLY because virtually NO ONE of the global populace understands anything of this scam. NEVER identify with "the person", for that is the dead corporate fiction, the LEGAL entity, owned by the PRIVATE central bankers "state". Every time you identify as that "person", you acknowledge to be owned by the "state", and you submit yourself to their corporate statute laws. And NEVER CONTRACT with any of the corporate state branches, such as cops, courts, or whatever corporate lackey in the LEGAL system! Legal is NOT lawful. Legal has nothing to do with Common Law, or Criminal Law, or International Law. The LEGAL system is corporate law, STATUTES, statute law. And statute law is contract lawl NO CONTRACT, MEANS NO OBLIGATION FOR ANYONE! So long as you do NOT contract with them, they have NO-THING on you, and they have NO LAWFUL authority on you. ALL of this is established under INTERNATIONAL law. And International law supersedes/surpasses ALL & EVERY "national" corporate "governments" law!
Another EXCELLENT that basically show the same info is the tour page on
Know what you are, and stand your ground!!
🎥 Watch: David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law
The reason they can force vaccinate (or take custody of the child via CPS) is because parents are letting the child act as "surety" for the strawman name of the child, which is owned by UNITED STATES Corporation. This also applies to a typical person who is a "US Citizen". Under the current corporate system (matrix), We the People only have "privileges and benefits" (not constitutional rights). This is why all the J6's do not have relief or remedy. They (and we all) "thought" J6's and children had/have remedy under their constitutional rights but do not live under a republic, instead we are operating under admiralty law under article 1 and 2 courts (not article 3 common law courts). Until you understand what's really going on, it's like walking into Mexico and proclaiming I'm protected by my constitutional rights. You are not going to be successful in helping anyone get remedy while playing in their jurisdiction and under their rules (USC statues, codes, bylaws, etc).
To understand what's really going on you need to watch KL aka Mr Beneficiary. We are "US Citizens" with privileges and benefits acting as Trustees (and the govt is the Beneficiary). We do not have constitutional rights as "US Citizens". This all a result of the martial law (Lieber Code) that was enacted after the civil war, the de facto UNITED STATES Inc that was created by bar cards, Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA), Proclamation 2040 and the Social Security Act. Because of all this we are chattel, sheep in the Matrix as "US Citizens" acting as surety (Trustee) for the strawman.
According to KL, we (you) do not have remedy unless we are in Article 3 court....the only way to get into one is based on your initial pleading.
Here's a playlist created by Rice Against the Grain of 7 video interviews/lessons with KL, WATCH the first two and it will all make sense.
"An unjust law is no law at all.”
Augustin, Aquinas, Thoreau, MLK Jr.
This just further defines the corrupt medical system under which we live. I have grown to distrust and hate the medical, pharma, and big ag systems in place in this country. We need a law that provides capital punishment for those (Gates, Fauci, and Hotez immediately come to mind) that would mess with or experiment with our health, or especially that of our children. As long as the parent isn’t grossly physically or psychologically abusing their children, the state must have no say in the raising of those children. We were a far healthier society before these entities started messing around.
Big Pharma primarily owns the medical system used in this it dictates the treatments to be used. Its monies have paid off its cronies in Congress who passed these draconian laws to benefit its benefactors. Big Pharma would not have its monetary power, if it had not been for the passage of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which took away all its liability for deaths and injuries caused by its dangerous and defective products. When I developed a rapidly growing tumor back in 1976, two doctors told me that if I didn't have treatment immediate, I would be given no guarantees. Well, I opted for prayer and within a couple days a book came into my hands with an answer. I followed the information and in less than three months the tumor was gone, Twelve years later, I developed another nasty looking tumor with spikes coming on it right above my breast. I did the same thing I did before, examined the foods I was eating. The first time I removed the dairy; and the second time I removed honey....and in less than 3 months the second tumor disappeared too. I learned, if you don't feed a tumor it will not grow. Nothing grows without FUEL. Excess protein and fat created the first one; and excess carbs from the honey in my herb tea created the second one. I was drinking many cups of herb tea daily...adding honey. Life is all about learning.
Please look into Lion mane mushroom supplements to help your wife fight her cancer. And the Ivermectin works to aid treatments. Many blessings to your family this New Year!
Below is an excellent description of our country's history, or you can watch this video What Happened:
It is a myth that the United States of America was ever a democracy (most of the famous founder elite such as John Adams equated democracy with mob rule and wanted no part of it). The United States of America was actually created as a republic, in which Americans were supposed to have power through representatives who were supposed to actually represent the American people. The truth today, however, is that the United States is neither a democracy nor a republic. Americans are ruled by a corporatocracy: a partnership of "too-big-to-fail" corporations, the extremely wealthy elite, and corporate-collaborator government officials.
Lincoln made first executive order as Caesar of the USA and made himself President Dictator and president of the Corporation ending the republic. We have been living under martial law ever since. FDR even passed law that all US Citizens are the enemy of the USA. The US is bankrupt and has been since 1933, The Recievers of the US Bankruptcy is the INT Bankers via the World Bank, UN, and IMF
All US offices, officers and Depts are working under a "de-facto" status only under the emergency war powers. This new form of gmt is known as a democracy(Instead of Republic) being and established communist/socialist order under the "The New Governor of America" - Congressional Record March 17th, 1993, Vol 33, Page H-1303. It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been disolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR
Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Depts and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973).
Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR ex ord 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within"the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman and or transmitting utility.JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Dimenutio Maxima.
Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968.
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation.Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES ;)
What people around the world MUST FINALLY come to understand, is that NO ONE OF US even have to CARE what these corporate clowns like Gates, Schwab, and/or any other of these so called "leaders" and their CORPORATE MASTERS OPERATING IN THE SHADOWS, whom they serve, want! ALL so called "governments" are CORPORATIONS, just like any other corporation, like the WHO and the WEF. And not a single corporation in the world has LAWFUL jurisdiction or authority over ANY LIVING HUMAN being.
This is the key folks.. This contemporary human system does NOT recognize you as a living human being, but as the legal "person"! I.E. the name on the "birth" certificate. This name on the "Birth' certificate is a dead corporate legal fiction, and so long as you identify as and with this dead corporate legal fiction, that is owned by the corporate & privately owned globalist central banking crime syndicate controlled, corporate "governments", so long do you accept to be recognized by them as this dead corporate entity, that they own and can do with whatever they want. Educate yourself on this and DELIVER yourself from the slavery system!
The globalist corporation, that is referred to as "the state" owns the fraudulent enslavement contracts, called "Birth" certificates. The name on "your" "Birth" certificate, is a corporate LEGAL FICTION. This all has nothing to do with law, as this whole Vatican CQV Birth trust swindle is ENTIRELY UNLAWFUL. No one of us must comply with this corporate scam! This whole CovID scam is still running, ONLY because virtually NO ONE of the global populace understands anything of this scam. NEVER identify with "the person", for that is the dead corporate fiction, the LEGAL entity, owned by the PRIVATE central bankers "state". Every time you identify as that "person", you acknowledge to be owned by the "state", and you submit yourself to their corporate statute laws. And NEVER CONTRACT with any of the corporate state branches, such as cops, courts, or whatever corporate lackey in the LEGAL system! Legal is NOT lawful. Legal has nothing to do with Common Law, or Criminal Law, or International Law. The LEGAL system is corporate law, STATUTES, statute law. And statute law is contract lawl NO CONTRACT, MEANS NO OBLIGATION FOR ANYONE! So long as you do NOT contract with them, they have NO-THING on you, and they have NO LAWFUL authority on you. ALL of this is established under INTERNATIONAL law. And International law supersedes/surpasses ALL & EVERY "national" corporate "governments" law!
Another EXCELLENT that basically show the same info is the tour page on
Know what you are, and stand your ground!!
🎥 Watch: David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law
🎥 Watch: Understand UCC Maritime Admiralty Law & Liberate Yourself From Commercial Globalist Enslavement
🎥 Watch: THE LEGAL FICTION: The Nature of the Cage That We ALL Can & Must Walk Away From. END GLOBAL SLAVERY!
🎥 Watch: Pandemic is the New Eufemism for Financial Coup & the Radical Engineering of Global Governance
🎥 Watch: Central Banks: The use of sovereign immunities and secrecy to engineer a global coup - Deliverance from Deceit 2022
Mr. Renz,
The reason they can force vaccinate (or take custody of the child via CPS) is because parents are letting the child act as "surety" for the strawman name of the child, which is owned by UNITED STATES Corporation. This also applies to a typical person who is a "US Citizen". Under the current corporate system (matrix), We the People only have "privileges and benefits" (not constitutional rights). This is why all the J6's do not have relief or remedy. They (and we all) "thought" J6's and children had/have remedy under their constitutional rights but do not live under a republic, instead we are operating under admiralty law under article 1 and 2 courts (not article 3 common law courts). Until you understand what's really going on, it's like walking into Mexico and proclaiming I'm protected by my constitutional rights. You are not going to be successful in helping anyone get remedy while playing in their jurisdiction and under their rules (USC statues, codes, bylaws, etc).
To understand what's really going on you need to watch KL aka Mr Beneficiary. We are "US Citizens" with privileges and benefits acting as Trustees (and the govt is the Beneficiary). We do not have constitutional rights as "US Citizens". This all a result of the martial law (Lieber Code) that was enacted after the civil war, the de facto UNITED STATES Inc that was created by bar cards, Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA), Proclamation 2040 and the Social Security Act. Because of all this we are chattel, sheep in the Matrix as "US Citizens" acting as surety (Trustee) for the strawman.
According to KL, we (you) do not have remedy unless we are in Article 3 court....the only way to get into one is based on your initial pleading.
Here's a playlist created by Rice Against the Grain of 7 video interviews/lessons with KL, WATCH the first two and it will all make sense.