In the recent past, I was asked to look into a family that was facing a situation where their child had cancer and hospital was threatening to call child services if the parents and child did not consent to chemotherapy. In this particular case there were a number of reasons the parents and child did not want the chemo and they were, to my mind reasonable. More importantly, the idea that a child and his/her parents would be threatened by child services over medical decision seemed horrific - especially in light of all that I’ve learned about cancer recently. So I’ve dug into this a bit from the lawyer’s perspective and what I found was frankly terrifying.
Let me just open this up by being incredibly blunt, we are at a point where the state can legally commandeer your child’s medical care and there may be literally nothing you can do about it.
So what is the law and how could this be? Well, the law differs in various states but is guided by federal law and all states and the federal government agree - rightly so - that there needs to be laws to protect kids from terrible parents or guardians. That said - in some instances the law goes too far and becomes a problem. Below is 42 USC 5106i.
As you can see this statute requires that states empower child protective services to initiate legal proceedings to “prevent the withholding of medically indicated treatment from children with life threatening conditions.” There are two major issues here. The first is “life threatening conditions” which is not well-defined. The second is the use of the phrase “medically indicated treatment.” So why are these issues?
Let’s start with “life threatening conditions…” what does that mean? Well, it can mean just about anything if you control the science and that is the root of the problem with this entire section. COVID was called a life threatening condition and Remdesivir was the “medically indicated treatment.” So based on this law a state should have law allowing a child to be forced to accept Remdesivir if he or she had a case of COVID.
And this leads us directly to the other issue - what is “medically indicated treatment?” Here we have the same issue - if the same medical journals and medical associations that promoted masks and social distancing decide the next big pharma intervention is medically necessary this would be all it takes to force an intervention on a child. If a child had a minor early stage cancer that could be easily removed this same child could be forced through chemo and/or radiation under this scheme. Both chemo and radiation have serious, life-long consequences and yet they could be forced on a child if the “experts” claim it is medically necessary. Unfortunately all of those experts are making a lot of money off of such treatments and this legislation actually enshrines that conflict of interest with law.
There are numerous other issues with this approach to the law. This same law could actually be used to force treatment for a child that wanted gender affirming care over his or her parent’s wishes. If a school convinces a child that they are gender dysphoric that child and the school could point to the false science claiming that gender affirming care is “life saving” due to the [falsely claimed] higher suicide rate in kids with these issues. It is not hard to imagine how this could easily be stretched to vaccines - including the mRNA poisons. As new “vaccines” continue to come out I absolutely believe the establishment will eventually begin to use child services to force jab your kids and you will be unable to do anything about it.
There is a lot to unpack in the law related to parental rights and medical treatments. The law is written to ensure terrible parents do not withhold medical treatment in a way that is dangerous for kids but the problem is that our medical system is so corrupt that the law actually interfere’s with good parents trying to keep their kids safe from the big pharma medical complex.
The above is from the tentative draft of the Restatement of the Law - Children & Law and summarizes the law as it exists. I think this is a reasonable explanation of where we are now. Unfortunately where we are now opens the door for forced treatment of our kids with unsafe and horrific treatments and/or vaccines. The urgency to fix our healthcare system could not be more clear - we need to get this handled.
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"An unjust law is no law at all.”
Augustin, Aquinas, Thoreau, MLK Jr.
This just further defines the corrupt medical system under which we live. I have grown to distrust and hate the medical, pharma, and big ag systems in place in this country. We need a law that provides capital punishment for those (Gates, Fauci, and Hotez immediately come to mind) that would mess with or experiment with our health, or especially that of our children. As long as the parent isn’t grossly physically or psychologically abusing their children, the state must have no say in the raising of those children. We were a far healthier society before these entities started messing around.