I’m not so sure Biden stole the election, Tom. Yeah, the election was stolen for Biden, but he is too far gone to have done anything meaningfully to steal the election. His handlers did it for him because he is Obama’s mouthpiece that Obama wanted to control from the basement, his “cardboard cutout”.

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Thats not even Biden, Its an actor O hired..It might even be O at times because there's more than one fake Biden. The real JOE had blue eyes, this ones got black eyes

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True - last count I think there are around 4 O’Biden actors.

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The thing is, we keep saying its experimental and we dont know what the outcome is but they know exactly what the outcome is and that's why Gates is working hard to inject and now like Andrea says, its in our lettuce, meat, fruit....22 states are spraying the liquified remains of the dead on crops. millions of drugs getting into the plants that you eat and that covid jab is part of their remains. Their biochips are being picked up through the soil. The Gate Foundation of the world has a hidden food source underground, and we need to find it! They have their plans to survive after we all die off. These Bastards already have their clean foods and its time to investigate where it is. Put Tucker on it!! God Bless you TOM and your family..You are an exceptional human being!!



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Gates Foundation OWNS all SEEDS. Hes been stealing the seeds out of food for 40 years. Food without seeds is dead material. Who gave him the right to steal seeds out of tomatoes, oranges, cucumbers ect? BIG PHARMA and their crooked scientist/Drs developing and executing the murders of million all while making a literal killing with CASH profits from their crimes!. The food is poisoning, and the jabs are worse and then the treatment is so toxic that if it doesnt kill you its a miracle. The testing equipment is also calibrated to lie. Ask those who calibrate diagnostic machines about them. 50% of Cancer diagnosis from these machines is false. WHERE IS THE FOOD THAT GATES EATS? Lets find it! We know he has a vault in the middle of know where now filled with tons of seeds for him and his micropenis friends....Find his clean food source that he grows underground. Someone must deliver his groceries. Hes not eating what we are.


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Love your shows! Like the idea of an interactive session. Keep up the great work

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