Early in your "rant" you identify the Republicans who work against conservative principles, as having sold out to Democrats. I disagree with that categorization. The people in question are Democrats who self-identify, to use an inclusive phrase, as Republican.
If this is a civil war, kinetic or not, these people are the equivalent of soldiers wearing enemy uniforms in enemy controlled areas. In war, when such soldiers are identified they are summarily executed.
That's why I ask if it's a civil war. Tom calls for a purge and I don't think the bulk of the Republican base is intelligent enough to "execute", aka vote out Democrats posing as Republican.
Civil war? I don'tknow but people better be ready to defend themselves and their castles with the intional invasion taking place. Obama started this with daca, which was ruled illegal. Too late, money blown, damage done and a lot of people illegally in the country.
I don't think it's an issue of intelligence. The issue is there's no desire, interedt or willingness to help America or Americans. Look how much money they just stole from taxpayers so Ukraine & Israel can have a safe border. 95 BILLION $'s!!! 60.1 for Ukraine, 14.1 for Israel and another measely 10 billion to sprinkle across for humanitarian aid for civilians in their pre-planned kill zones. You don't become successful, or last in politics unless you're in the club of corruption, molestation, pedophilia, adrenochrome drinking. They're all on the same team. The country would be a lot better off if we pulled EVERY sitting politician and we got rid of every democrat and republican.
Yes, Noah's son's and their wives were responsible for repopulating. That's the point, and really has NOTHING to do with what I said.
So what? She went back 800 years to prove a point. If you think it's mere coincidence that all of the people "elected" to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world, are all related, and a blood relative to King John, well then by all means, vote away! I guess it doesn't matter that American banks are owned by Rothschilds either.
Trump is WEF. Biden and Harris are WEF. RFK Jr is WEF. There is no election solution because everyone on the ballot is bought and paid for by the WEF. Wake UP America! The UN is almost finished with their invasion. All of this nonsense is a distraction. You saw that they can "steal" an election anytime and anywhere, but somehow you believe all of that election stealing infrastructure is not still in place? Let's shill for the man who initiated WARP speed to get bioweapons into the arms of 5.2 billion people. The guy who gave Fauci a medal for his plandemic performance. The guy who's administration did everything to move us closer to the UN2030 Agenda. Yeah, totally makes sense.
With all of trumps participation in convid, this boggles my mind. He was warned about vaccines in general by RFK Jr. He was gling to look into it. He met with Bill Gates, it went away. He accepted 1/2 million from pfizer for innauguration. AND, he still considers himself the "Father of Vaccines." Even after Diamond (of Diamond & Silk) died and Silk specifically brought this up to him. He also signed an EO in 2019 to help "speed up and modernize vaccines.) Know this. We are not going back to "normal." No one is going to save the American people, or anywhere else in the world. The Bible tells us not to put our faith in man. Elections are a facade to make "sheeple" think they have a say. Just deceitful, hollow slogans to brainwash people. "Your Vote Counts," "HOPE," "Make America Great Again," "Build Back Better," and the biggest and most recent, "Safe & Effective!" It's ALWAYS the opposite of what the incestuous liars say! Once you get that, it's easy to spot the truth.
There is ZERO difference between Biden and Trump. You still haven’t learned that Trump is merely one side of the manufactured left vs right (false) dichotomy? Ideologies and political parties are developed in order to create division among the “profane masses”. (As the freemasonic order refer to us). TRUMP IS ALSO A FREEMASON
Yeah he is. Learn symbology, people. These psychos are not hiding who they are. They flaunt it. We are just too ignorant to see it. Trump Towers has a massive Black Cube of Saturn sitting atop it like an angel on a Christmas Tree. He is a Freemason. He is WEF. He has fooled 80 million of us.
That link proves only that Trump was on the agenda to address the WEF, which he did a few years ago, to inform them that he is opposed to globalism. I suspect your post is deliberately misleading.
Agenda Contributers are WEF leadership. They are higher on the totem pole than the Young Global Leaders, but lower than Schwab and Herari. My friend, if you cannot see that Trump is all in on the UN2030 Agenda, then you aren't objectively looking. Agenda Contributers contributed to writing and pushing forward the UN2030 Agenda. Trump and Bill Gates are Agenda Contributers. Trump facilitated Warp Speed. He facilitated Space Force, which is the infrastructure for the China-like biometric surveillance grid that Elon Musk and Bill Gates are sending low orbit satellite up in the tens of thousands to complete. The control grid works with the nanotechnology from the bioweapon injections that Trump calls himself the "father" of. He allowed the CCP and Bill Gates to take over massive areas of farmland in the US to control the US food supply. Now, thanks to Trump, all of the animal proteins are contaminated with nanotechnology in all of the grocery stores and restaurants that source their food from the primary food supply. Gates changed all of the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platform. China was publishing papers over the last 3 years showing they were trying to pass mRNA (which is likely what these people are calling the nanotechnology) through meat, milk, and lettuce to those who consume them. Trump has done business in China for decades. The CCP does not allow anyone to do millions of dollars in business unless they are in bed with the CCP. China is the model that the globalists want to bring to the world. The UN is the military arm of the WEF. What we are seeing at the Southern Border is a UN invasion. Trump facilitated the invasion when he was in office, and it began under Obama. These elites know that the people don't study symbology, therefore most of us wouldn't recognize it when we see it...Trump is a Freemason. He was educated at the Mystery Schools. He went to 2 Jesuit Universities. He has the Black Cube of Saturn sitting atop Trump Towers like an angel on a Christmas tree. He was friends with Epstein. He shills for the globalist Israeli government as they murder hundreds of thousands of people. Israel won't extradite pedophiles and the AshkeNAZI non-Jews AKA, Zionists, run Israel. Trump surrounded himself with Ashkanazi non-Jews. Zionism is a racial supremacist ideology and political movement and comes from the same group, the Kazarian Mafia, that formed Marxism, Bolshevism, and Nazi-ism. Ivanka is also a WEF Young Global Leader. Nothing I said is misleading. It's all 100% true.
The reason everything is happening the way it has been .... we are part of that movie everyone tells us to watch. Is that good or bad? Trump even told us to enjoy the movie. What does that mean? This crap is happening to us. Watch the movie?
I just know NO ONE who was part of this vax ~ someone must answer to the deaths caused by the vax. Trump has to explain that. I've lost 4 friends because of that jab. How many injured?.... I have no idea. But the Covid thing stinks to high heaven. That is the biggest mountain in my head.
This way all allowed! Accountability is needed not more lives lost by patriots. Let the rich get out in the streets with their children.😡. Our children are just as important as theirs. The rich sit back and do 💩💩💩💩💩
Trump is not our savior. He was just like the past presidents in the last hundred years, they all spoke old time values, but delivered the new world order. Remember how he withdrew from the WHO? He later gave that money to Bill Gate's GAVI organization making Bill Gates the number one influencer to the WHO. He had his own version of biosecurity, and EO to develop vaccines two months before patient zero existed. If you had true grassroots guy to back, that I would consider.
I suspect Trump says these things, about his backstabbers like, "I love Ronna", it's equivalent to putting a burning coal on their foreheads. It incites them to spewing more vitriol against him...thereby showing the American citizens EXACTLY what these pieces of trash are...TRAITORS to our country and not worthy of calling themselves "Americans".
Nikki Haley is a Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leaders graduate. Her global agenda is the same as Klaus'...Communism and their Collective State. We will own nothing and we will be happy! Sorry Nikki...it's not going to happen.
The policies are not dumb. They are intentionally destructive and we are being destroyed by an enemy within. ‘Bout time people realize that.
Early in your "rant" you identify the Republicans who work against conservative principles, as having sold out to Democrats. I disagree with that categorization. The people in question are Democrats who self-identify, to use an inclusive phrase, as Republican.
If this is a civil war, kinetic or not, these people are the equivalent of soldiers wearing enemy uniforms in enemy controlled areas. In war, when such soldiers are identified they are summarily executed.
Is this really a civil war?
The REAL problem is it's just one party, with two names.
That's why I ask if it's a civil war. Tom calls for a purge and I don't think the bulk of the Republican base is intelligent enough to "execute", aka vote out Democrats posing as Republican.
Civil war? I don'tknow but people better be ready to defend themselves and their castles with the intional invasion taking place. Obama started this with daca, which was ruled illegal. Too late, money blown, damage done and a lot of people illegally in the country.
I don't think it's an issue of intelligence. The issue is there's no desire, interedt or willingness to help America or Americans. Look how much money they just stole from taxpayers so Ukraine & Israel can have a safe border. 95 BILLION $'s!!! 60.1 for Ukraine, 14.1 for Israel and another measely 10 billion to sprinkle across for humanitarian aid for civilians in their pre-planned kill zones. You don't become successful, or last in politics unless you're in the club of corruption, molestation, pedophilia, adrenochrome drinking. They're all on the same team. The country would be a lot better off if we pulled EVERY sitting politician and we got rid of every democrat and republican.
We are all related if we go back far enough - and that girl had to go back 800 years. So what?
Yes, Noah's son's and their wives were responsible for repopulating. That's the point, and really has NOTHING to do with what I said.
So what? She went back 800 years to prove a point. If you think it's mere coincidence that all of the people "elected" to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world, are all related, and a blood relative to King John, well then by all means, vote away! I guess it doesn't matter that American banks are owned by Rothschilds either.
No they aren't.
Trump is WEF. Biden and Harris are WEF. RFK Jr is WEF. There is no election solution because everyone on the ballot is bought and paid for by the WEF. Wake UP America! The UN is almost finished with their invasion. All of this nonsense is a distraction. You saw that they can "steal" an election anytime and anywhere, but somehow you believe all of that election stealing infrastructure is not still in place? Let's shill for the man who initiated WARP speed to get bioweapons into the arms of 5.2 billion people. The guy who gave Fauci a medal for his plandemic performance. The guy who's administration did everything to move us closer to the UN2030 Agenda. Yeah, totally makes sense.
With all of trumps participation in convid, this boggles my mind. He was warned about vaccines in general by RFK Jr. He was gling to look into it. He met with Bill Gates, it went away. He accepted 1/2 million from pfizer for innauguration. AND, he still considers himself the "Father of Vaccines." Even after Diamond (of Diamond & Silk) died and Silk specifically brought this up to him. He also signed an EO in 2019 to help "speed up and modernize vaccines.) Know this. We are not going back to "normal." No one is going to save the American people, or anywhere else in the world. The Bible tells us not to put our faith in man. Elections are a facade to make "sheeple" think they have a say. Just deceitful, hollow slogans to brainwash people. "Your Vote Counts," "HOPE," "Make America Great Again," "Build Back Better," and the biggest and most recent, "Safe & Effective!" It's ALWAYS the opposite of what the incestuous liars say! Once you get that, it's easy to spot the truth.
God Bless❤️
There is ZERO difference between Biden and Trump. You still haven’t learned that Trump is merely one side of the manufactured left vs right (false) dichotomy? Ideologies and political parties are developed in order to create division among the “profane masses”. (As the freemasonic order refer to us). TRUMP IS ALSO A FREEMASON
Yeah he is. Learn symbology, people. These psychos are not hiding who they are. They flaunt it. We are just too ignorant to see it. Trump Towers has a massive Black Cube of Saturn sitting atop it like an angel on a Christmas Tree. He is a Freemason. He is WEF. He has fooled 80 million of us.
That link proves only that Trump was on the agenda to address the WEF, which he did a few years ago, to inform them that he is opposed to globalism. I suspect your post is deliberately misleading.
Agenda Contributers are WEF leadership. They are higher on the totem pole than the Young Global Leaders, but lower than Schwab and Herari. My friend, if you cannot see that Trump is all in on the UN2030 Agenda, then you aren't objectively looking. Agenda Contributers contributed to writing and pushing forward the UN2030 Agenda. Trump and Bill Gates are Agenda Contributers. Trump facilitated Warp Speed. He facilitated Space Force, which is the infrastructure for the China-like biometric surveillance grid that Elon Musk and Bill Gates are sending low orbit satellite up in the tens of thousands to complete. The control grid works with the nanotechnology from the bioweapon injections that Trump calls himself the "father" of. He allowed the CCP and Bill Gates to take over massive areas of farmland in the US to control the US food supply. Now, thanks to Trump, all of the animal proteins are contaminated with nanotechnology in all of the grocery stores and restaurants that source their food from the primary food supply. Gates changed all of the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platform. China was publishing papers over the last 3 years showing they were trying to pass mRNA (which is likely what these people are calling the nanotechnology) through meat, milk, and lettuce to those who consume them. Trump has done business in China for decades. The CCP does not allow anyone to do millions of dollars in business unless they are in bed with the CCP. China is the model that the globalists want to bring to the world. The UN is the military arm of the WEF. What we are seeing at the Southern Border is a UN invasion. Trump facilitated the invasion when he was in office, and it began under Obama. These elites know that the people don't study symbology, therefore most of us wouldn't recognize it when we see it...Trump is a Freemason. He was educated at the Mystery Schools. He went to 2 Jesuit Universities. He has the Black Cube of Saturn sitting atop Trump Towers like an angel on a Christmas tree. He was friends with Epstein. He shills for the globalist Israeli government as they murder hundreds of thousands of people. Israel won't extradite pedophiles and the AshkeNAZI non-Jews AKA, Zionists, run Israel. Trump surrounded himself with Ashkanazi non-Jews. Zionism is a racial supremacist ideology and political movement and comes from the same group, the Kazarian Mafia, that formed Marxism, Bolshevism, and Nazi-ism. Ivanka is also a WEF Young Global Leader. Nothing I said is misleading. It's all 100% true.
Thank you for outing yourself as a gold-plated Nazi. Reported.
I don't believe so many Republicans can be anything but sold out. The root of all evil is the love of money. Follow the money.
The reason everything is happening the way it has been .... we are part of that movie everyone tells us to watch. Is that good or bad? Trump even told us to enjoy the movie. What does that mean? This crap is happening to us. Watch the movie?
I just know NO ONE who was part of this vax ~ someone must answer to the deaths caused by the vax. Trump has to explain that. I've lost 4 friends because of that jab. How many injured?.... I have no idea. But the Covid thing stinks to high heaven. That is the biggest mountain in my head.
This way all allowed! Accountability is needed not more lives lost by patriots. Let the rich get out in the streets with their children.😡. Our children are just as important as theirs. The rich sit back and do 💩💩💩💩💩
Trump is not our savior. He was just like the past presidents in the last hundred years, they all spoke old time values, but delivered the new world order. Remember how he withdrew from the WHO? He later gave that money to Bill Gate's GAVI organization making Bill Gates the number one influencer to the WHO. He had his own version of biosecurity, and EO to develop vaccines two months before patient zero existed. If you had true grassroots guy to back, that I would consider.
For what Biden has done to them, the Republicans should be rioting in the streets.
I suspect Trump says these things, about his backstabbers like, "I love Ronna", it's equivalent to putting a burning coal on their foreheads. It incites them to spewing more vitriol against him...thereby showing the American citizens EXACTLY what these pieces of trash are...TRAITORS to our country and not worthy of calling themselves "Americans".
Nikki Haley is a Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leaders graduate. Her global agenda is the same as Klaus'...Communism and their Collective State. We will own nothing and we will be happy! Sorry Nikki...it's not going to happen.