Tom, about shedding: People have indeed dug into it. Have you connected with Dr Ana Mihalcea yet? She has dug into the shocking aspects of this issue from a bio scientific point of view.

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"Nobody wants these Covid Vaccines, they are killing everybody and they know it."

Is Trump outraged about this, Renz?

Is the DOD outraged?

Why not in your expert legal view?

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“But I did it…I was able to get something approved that you know, has…proven to save a LOT OF LIVES. Some people say I saved a hundred million lives worldwide.”

But I was able to get that done in nine months versus five years to twelve years.

If it ever got…

I got the FDA to do things that they…it was pretty amazing what we were able to do.”

Donald Trump, January 19, 2023

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Department of Defense controlled the contracts.

RFK, Jr. says, "This was a military project from the beginning." The DOD and NSA ran the Covid Response.

"The FDA knew that mRNA vaccines and other gene therapies have the potential to shed and infect individuals that did not accept the intervention. This is a direct violation of the Nuremburg Code, and numerous laws in my opinion - how can you give informed consent if you don't know your being exposed to something? It is also clear that the FDA was concerned about the potential spike in cancer from these poisons. This is HUGE info folks. Lots more coming."


Stay on the case, Renz.

Surely FDA didn't go rogue any more than Pfizer, a late add to Operation Warp Speed.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that this hand waving about FDA a full year after we knew that the DOD, BARDA controlled the production of the shots.

If I didn't know better, I'd wonder if there wasn't a whole organized SPARRED out plan to have hearings a plenty and run out the clock until the shots are in and then a bunch more finger pointing all to avoid that the Global Bankers and Rockefellers planned out a "Resistance" collection of teams to go after the bank teller because their Mall Cop, the US Defense Dept. is trying to cull the world's population and enact a surveillance state.

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Are there any ongoing studies for the impact to people known to have been shed upon. I was 10 year post meno, and got a period for 3 months every 3 weejs after my husband's vax. I was intimate with him the day after his V. I winder what else is going on...i had fibro that was mild and not impacting me for a intensely for years NOW i had an awful flare

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Some, like myself who are unjabbed have had eye vision problems specifically from transference.. A key way of mitigating it is using the various modalities offered e.g. Dr Bryan Ardis''s nicotine patches/tablets. That's because one explanation is that what is being transferred is snake venom within biological material (yeast, bacteria etc).

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Renz when you get to McCullough and his Minder Leake make sure you ask him about that curious "Next Rollout of mRNA will be better" post the same week that Elon Musk was pushing it again and Moderna and IBM were promoting their new AI/mRNA collaboration.

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I can attest to shedding/transmitting being 100% real! I have suffered severely from it for the last 2 1/2 years. And with each exposure it gets worse and worse for me 😞

I learned Christmas Day when having dinner at friends house, that even though her 4th (🤦🏼‍♀️) and last jab was a year ago, she is still shedding.

It’s gotten so bad for me that I just don’t want to go out and be around people anymore.

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7 friends got Cancer this year and died

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Mandate, shmandate! Don't accede to their idiotic, and uncompensated (the chutzpah! - yeah, your children will be orphans if you acquiesce), request.




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I’m not vaxxed but work with vaxxed since my company mandated it. I am really sick now and rarely get sick. Because if them not standing up, I lost pay and now risk losing more if I have to call out.

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Can you do a video on "The Wellness Company " TWC, and the conflict between the owners and Dr. Malone. There is some real psyop stuff happening here.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

The NIH, HHS, Obamacare do not recognize the Nuremberg Code. They have adopted ‘greater good,’ code for eugenics and profits for some. You know this because you have resolutely ignored the torture and experimentation of targeted individuals. People are deluding themselves if they think they can fix the US and ignore the widespread nonconsensual brain chipping and body hacking in US that was implemented in 2013 and which is the reason for the Democrats’ mental illness and Republicans’ ineffectiveness. THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT BECAUSE THEY ARE TAKING Blackrock/Google/Tesla/FACEBOOK/Gates money. THIS IS WHY EPSTEIN ISLAND ISN’T TALKED ABOUT — bcause CIA/Summers/HARVARD/MIT WERE THERE NONCONSENSUALLY chipping/torturing/gaming innocent citizens. https://x.com/patientcv/status/1737175982631420117?s=46

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University of California is experimenting with adding mRNA into produce, primarily lettuces. Post that on FB still...it'll be blocked and fact-checked to the moon and back.

You should be able to find the article from this, but if not, here is the link.


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The Enemy Of Everyone

Are The Guys Soon To Be Sitting

On Their Super Yachts Out In The Middle Of The Ocean.

Waiting …

For You All To Kill And Injure Each Other On Land.

Enough Of Us See That.

I Hope That You Do.

Everyone Else Are Just Pawns.


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