Thank you for staying on top of this.

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Tom, you are only one attorney and can only do so much. Thank you for what you do. God Bless you!!

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What a warrior you are. You helped so many people and you continue to do so. And to think I used to make jokes about lawyers...You're the ones saving the world right now.

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Another plea...

Dear Legal Freedom Warriors,

🛑 🧒 👶 🏛 ⚖ HELP STOP Government Subsidized Child Trafficking

If ever there was a case that could use your help, this one in Idaho is it (but it repeats throughout the land). Victims include Baby Cyrus, the Anderson Family, People's Rights Network, Diego Rodriguez, and Ammon Bundy. This case -- which has garnered national attention -- has all the hallmarks of what you've been fighting for:

Violation of constitutional rights (many of them!)

Child Protective Services involved in Medical Kidnapping

Discrimination against the unvaxxed

Hospital overreach and possible corruption

Judicial overreach and possible corruption

Corporate influence over government

Persecution of freedom advocates

The victims are trying to fight back against Holland & Hart Law Firm, St. Luke's Hospital, unfair judges and police, and the highest levels of the state and federal government. Unfortunately, their financial and legal resources are limited. Anything you can do to help them would be such a gift.

Government Subsidized Child Trafficking:

A presentation given by Diego Rodriguez about the true nature of CPS (Child Protective Services).

Presentation: https://www.freedomman.org/video/government-subsidized-child-trafficking/

The links from the presentation are below:

* CPS Data from the Children’s Bureau: https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/canstats.pdf

* ASFA law: https://www.congress.gov/105/plaws/publ89/PLAW-105publ89.pdf

* Social Security Title IV, Part E: https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title04/0400.htm

* These Little Ones Documentary: https://www.freedomman.org/video/these-little-ones/

* Full Details of Baby Cyrus Case: https://www.freedomman.org/cyrus/

* Donate via GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/babycyruslegal

Thank you for anything you can do!

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