Ive enjoyed this Tom. I out of the blue, heard GOD speak to me, like any man would speak to a woman. Not in my soul or in my spirit or in my head. He spoke loudly as I sat at my computer alone at 3am in my kitchen. He startled me and the hair stood up on my body. To this day I feel so honored that out of all the saints in the world, he picked someone like me to speak to. I am humbled like you can never imagine. 2 words he said to me at 3am while I sat worried about this world. "Have Faith" he stated to me like an order! When I finally got into bed at 4am, I laid there and out of my mouth I said "will anyone ever be punished for this lord" (meaning this Covid Scam). I never expected an answer. I was talking to myself basically. To my shock and fear of GOD, the shade in my bedroom rolled itself up in a violent manner. The answer in my soul was YES and Gods anger towards my lack of faith to ask or his anger over the situation, not sure but he was angry. His answer in that shade that almost came off its brackets, was HELL YES! I pulled the covers over my head in fear and slept the best 12 straight hours of the deepest sleep I had slept in a long time. I speak the absolute truth to you and say with love what GOD said to little old me at 3am in 2022. I haven't been the same since. Ive never read the entire bible. I dont go to church, but I am a Christian and I love the lord with every fiber. Im not perfect. I cuss up a storm while battling traffic, I fight everyday this evil world, to walk with the Lord in the basic principles of GODs Law. I repent every night for my daily sinful nature and pray before I go to bed and throughout the days. Ive shared this story because I believe GOD wanted that. You Tom, are anointed to do the work you do. You are humble, but a force to be reckoned with. Thank you for the fight you fight for GOD. Continue to "HAVE FAITH"! Fellow OHIOAN and I support you 100%.


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Thanks for sharing that, Catherine! Powerful! And huge thanks to you, Tom, for all you do! God bless you always! And may your wife be healed completely and very soon. Love to you and your family. I keep you all in my prayers.

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God bless you Molly. Laying hands on the sick is powerful and something we forget to do. There is power in our hands that comes from him. I know the Catholic religion doesn't teach that but the bible instructs it. God is our healer and our health care provider!

I would like to share two personal stories about the power from God to heal through our hands. You may find them hard to believe but here it goes.

When my daughter was 10, her little yellow bird "Sunshine" died in her cage. My daughter was hysterical and ran to me. I observed Sunshine and she was definitely dead. After a few hours of consoling my girl, I told her we should bury Sunshine. We found a shoebox and lined it with Sunshines toys. I grabbed a washrag and reached in to get Sunshine. She was cold and very much dead. I closed the rag around Sunshine and laid my hands on her. I proceeded to pray and tell God we would have liked Sunshine to live longer, ect.... The rag began to move. My eyes bugged out. I thought I had imagined it. It moved again. I uncovered the rag and Sunshine flew back to her cage. She lived and died again at age 14. Parakeets don't usually live that long.

Next story.

My Mother-in-law at age 75ish not sure exactly, was told she had a tumor on her ovary. She explained to the DR that she didn't have an ovary. She had a complete hysterectomy 30 yrs prior, but the Dr insisted she did. My husband's mother was Puerto Rican and didn't speak English. I told her to get a second opinion, but she ignored me, scheduled the surgery anyway. The family including myself came to sit during the surgery. The Dr emerge after wards and said she was wrong, and Mom didn't have a tumor or an ovary but was recovering. I was pissed but the rest of the family was relieved. Within minutes, we were told she was having a hard time breathing. We checked on her and she was struggling to breath. We were told to leave the room. A trachea was put into her throat. Within another few minutes were told she might not make it and we should say our goodbyes. I was even more pissed, but the family resigned themselves to saying goodbye. Now I was on fire and told the Dr to get her to Henry Ford in Detroit from this sml hosp in Garden City, MI. The Dr was refusing but I lost my cool and started yelling. The "Family" including my husband were all pissed at me. Dr finally called an ambulance. Once at Henry Ford, 7 Dr emerged on her and reported back that the dr had cut her intestine. They had to cut her abdomen open completely and a colostomy bag was done, she had to heal from the inside out leaving a boat wound in her stomach (TERRIBLE). Within months in ICU we were told the trachea would be permanent. I decided at that point to gather the family in the room to pray for her. I had a thought that if the bird could come back to life, maybe it could work with MOM who appeared to be at deaths door. I laid my hands over her throat and that trachea. We prayed. I drove back to OHIO and when I got home a message was on my recorder from the nurse. She stated that they were not sure what happened, but the trach was found across the room and MOM was breathing fine. She recovered slowly over the next month and returned home with the wound in her stomach that continued to slowly heal over the next 6 months. She died at age 105 (Give or take a couple years?). I actually thought she might never die. She never liked me very much as it goes with Momma Boys and their MOMMAS. I don't know if God gave me a special power, but I do know that through the hands she was healed. I have always had a special sensory for people. I can feel evil, and I can feel goodness. I am extremely sensitive and aware of danger, and it has saved me many times over my life.

Remember to always lay hands on the ones you love and pray in the present for them. God Bless you all!!

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God bless you, Catherine! I love everything you said. I, too, believe 'God is our healer and our health care provider!' I love your strength and courage to stand up to others in the face of attack. Just like Tom! And all the other brave warriors.

Your laying on of hands is so beautiful. I believe that many have this power. And we all should at least try to do this. God wants us to heal ourselves and others with His help. I, too, am so sensitive and aware of dangerous people. When I feel God's goodness, I always get tears in my eyes.

I loved hearing about Sunshine and your mother-in-law. God bless you for giving them both many happy years they would not have had without you and your gift from God. What joy for your daughter to have her beloved bird brought back from death. And to see the power of God!

I just met a wonderful friend online recently who lives in SE Ohio. Are you nearby?

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I am N Western Ohio, 1 mile from MI Border Molly.

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