The problem, Tom, is that there are too many of you folks in this alternate arena of exposing truth and fighting for the country. Which one of you should I give money to, since you are all fighting the good battle? Mihalcea, JFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Fitts, Miller, Stew Peters, Kingston, other??? It would seem prudent for people such as you to team up with wealthy compatriots such as Steve Kirsch and launch a concerted, unified and well funded effort toward the same goals. Unless, of course, it is all a matter of running one's own little profit center for personal gain.
Hey Jovan, why are you taking money from Patriots in NH and not producing the documentary you promised them? Asking for a friend since I don't live in NH.
The problem, Tom, is that there are too many of you folks in this alternate arena of exposing truth and fighting for the country. Which one of you should I give money to, since you are all fighting the good battle? Mihalcea, JFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Fitts, Miller, Stew Peters, Kingston, other??? It would seem prudent for people such as you to team up with wealthy compatriots such as Steve Kirsch and launch a concerted, unified and well funded effort toward the same goals. Unless, of course, it is all a matter of running one's own little profit center for personal gain.
The new world order has rigged every Pres election since they shot Kennedy. To think otherwise is simply wishful thinking based on fantasies.
Hey Jovan, why are you taking money from Patriots in NH and not producing the documentary you promised them? Asking for a friend since I don't live in NH.
Thanks Tom!!!
These "newcomers" will also owe tax on whatever they earn, wherever they make this income the rest of their lives.... right?
What? How can a woman have a prostate problem?