Thank you, Sir! That is why we MUST follow Steve Bannon's push to get involved in local politics at the precinct level. We need to be selecting the primary people.

More and more people are beginning to realize that mainstream media and television is promoting lies, and not reporting truth. As soon as America turns off the tv and becomes more involved locally, we can fix this mess.

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Thank you Tom Renz for all you do!

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Mr Renz,

Here in Northern Virginia (NOVA), people are fed up. The agenda (2020 - 2030?) is going full steam here.

And NOVA is deep blue! These 'far left' people are fed up!

Highrise after highrise is being built at blinding speed. Who has the capital to do this? The people that can print money out of nothing.

Why this being done? Look at Shanghai.

25 million people locked down. Some literally welded into their apartments with no food! Their pets being beaten to death.

Also bonding initiatives! $40 million for a recreational center here in NOVA?

Do they get kick backs from the bond market? Wouldn't surprise me.

Now I don't want to disparage the Architects and Engineers who designed and constructed this recreation center. It's truly a magnificent structure.

But a neighborhood rec center?

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Hi Tom, first time commenter.

My simple take is that they are globalist neoliberals. Neoliberalism is the nexus that connects mainstream Dems and Republicans and makes them look the same to us, which they largely are. They are seemingly equally corruptible and corrupted by large corporations and globalist agendas, both of which go hand in hand. Neither is working for We-the-People.

Then, there's the fanatical hard leftists, which the moderate Dems are clearly more than happy to indulge because they help them politically a) by enlarging their power base and b) dividing and distracting us all... country be damned. Democrat supporters have been comprehensively duped by their party. As such, there is no meaningfully organized force among them that seeks to hold their party to account. Those who try are ostracized and cancelled. Hopefully, they then become red pilled.

For lack of a better name, the Trump Republicans, or perhaps true conservatives, have a healthy distrust of the Republican Party and constantly call it out. They know it is corrupt, but they fight to change it rather than accept it. In my opinion, they are the last ones standing for freedom, liberty, liberalism, national sovereignty, and democracy itself. These are the conclusions I have reached... as a former life-long Democrat.

Thank you for all your efforts. We need more people like you.

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Unprincipled and backstabbers best describes the Rinos. They are immune from pains of conscience and are amoral.

Their black hearts emit nothing but love of self. This herd of atheism must be culled.

They fear no laws of conduct or regulations for an operating society. They simply believe themselves above the law.

Globalist America Last conduct from Davos, WHO, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Democrat Policy of Biden’s administration and Obama have created a coup and takedown of most American Institutions and have prepared America for a takeover by Communist attack.

Pray that God will find Mercy to Save America and His Elect. These seditious traitors to America are being tracked by St. Michael and his warrior angels. When Christ returns these rodents of globalists criminality will suffer an eternity in hell with their satanic friends.

God Save America.

Robert J. Gargasz

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Sometimes I long for the ignorance of my youth. When I took people at their word, and believed in the "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" politician.

The past several years have inspired me to really research candidates, especially local seats. When my local GOP group emailed their "picks" to support in the primary, my jaw dropped at a couple of their known leftist ideologues the GOP recommended voting for!

I'm doing a ton more "homework" now than I ever did in school.

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Good news folks!

Biden tells the nation that the 'life saving' Covid 'vaccines' are now authorized for kids 5 years and under.

Just when I thought the man couldn't become more of a slime ball.

There is GIF of him pinching a little girl's nipple. She elbows him but it's too low and to the right. A little left and higher and Biden would be down.

I need a Gin and tonic.

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Mr Renz, I just want to thank you and acknowledge all you are doing, without pay.

Your tireless drive for getting truth out.

Filing after filing to protect all of us.

Your sacrifices.

Thank you and God Bless you and your family.

If you’re not supporting Mr Renz yet, if you can. Even 5 a month….

He’s fighting hard for all of us. 💜💜🙏🏼🙏🏼

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This problem exists in my small town. It is nominally Republican but it is actually run by influential and wealthy people from the Democratic party. However, the real problem is that people in my town will not stand up and say, NO.

The Republicans in charge ruined small businesses, forced masked and force imprisoned people during covid. They never looked at evidence. They did what they were told by the CDC. I also believe they were likely on the zoom call w/Bill Gates who told them what to do (per Rocco Galati). The reason I believe their was direction from Gates is this: I knew there would be vaccine passports in April of 2020 because that is what the local "health" officer said!

I asked people why are you voting for people who don't believe in our Constitution and who ruined other people's lives? The answer was well, they are just good old boys and they are harmless. Oh really? So taking people's business, their rights and ending up with 3 suicides in 2020 is harmless? They are still taking Covid money from the Federal govt. That money comes with strings attached. They will lock people down again and do anything else they are told by the CDC and Bill Gates.

Voters need to have integrity. They need to have a backbone. You cannot just keep voting for people who oppose your nation and your Constitution. You are telling them they can do anything to you and there won't be any consequences.

So yes, there are systemic hurdles to over come. There are voting machines which throw elections. But having integrity and valuing your own Constitution are the most important qualities in keeping us free and having the rule of law, not rule by tyrants.

No one should back down on opposing any evil person running for office, I don't care what party they are from.

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Yeah, I've suspected that for quite some time especially Mitch Mcconnell and

Liz Cheney!

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Thanks I totally agree. They are all part of the 1 party Lets take money system.

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deletedJun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022
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