In 1986 the United States passed what may well eventually be recognized as the worst and most dangerous law in American history. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) created a separate system for vaccine injuries that essentially provided immunity to vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits no matter how unsafe or ineffective they are. The result has been that dozens of new vaccines have been developed with knowledge that regardless of safety or efficacy no lawsuits can occur. Further, in the instance of injury, people are left with minimal compensation at best. Today, the big pharma and big Ag lobbyists are back at it and have convinced several Congresspeople from BOTH parties to sponsor a bill that would extend similar immunity to manufacturers of the chemicals that are used on our foods.
The Agricultural Labeling Uniformity Act (HR 4288) is a short bill blocks lawsuits against manufacturers for failing to inform people of the dangers of their products so long as the feds sign off on the labels. That may not sound bad until you consider the federal government’s track record in providing safety and efficacy warnings on other products like say… vaccines.
For almost 4 years we have been told that the mRNA COVID “vaccines” are safe and effective and they really do not cause problems. This was screamed from the rooftops when these poisons were first released and our government worked with every tech company imaginable to censor anyone that suggested otherwise. The problem is that the slides below come from an October 22, 2020 meeting (before the vaccines were released to the public and shows that our government did indeed expect a number of safety issues from the jabs including the now validated issues with myocarditis and other well known issues such as blood clots and neurological problems. This makes the “trust the government” argument a bit difficult to swallow for any thinking person.
Beyond our federal government’s demonstrable lack of integrity, the mechanism by which this law is attempting to “seize control” of liability issues for these unsafe powers is questionable. This act attempts to block states and courts from imposing liability under Commerce Clause power. While there is certainly an argument to be made for the constitutionality of this, traditionally this is power reserved for the states under the 10th Amendment. The courts are also removed from the equation though the mechanism is different.
Shockingly, or not, this bill has bipartisan support. Bayer Pharmaceuticals is one of the big pushers of this bill and - if you are unaware - this push is a result of the Monsanto/Roundup suit which cost them a lot of money. Bayer owns Monsanto and - much like a number of other big pharma brands - has a huge stake in agriculture. The big pharm/big Ag unholy alliance wants to be able to keep using unsafe products and be shielded from liability in the same way they are protected from liability for vaccine injuries. For those of us that are open to conspiracy theories it is worth asking if there could be a motive for the manufacturers of drugs used to treat everything to use chemicals in food that would facilitate you needing their other products.
Ultimately this is a terrible bill and a terrible idea. It was put forth to appease the ultra powerful big pharm/bigAg lobbyists and score campaign donations next election season for the bill sponsors. I think this bill is unlikely to pass right now but can absolutely imagine it being integrated into a farm spending bill as a favor. We all need to let these congresspeople know how we feel about letting big Ag continue to poison our food and stop this terrible bill.
Please consider supporting us by subscribing to this newsletter and donating at Your subscriptions and monthly donations allow us to keep fighting against bills like this. And if you’re looking to protect your heart from shedding and the poisons in our food please consider Cardio Miracle which you can get a discounted price on here: Your subscriptions to Cardio Miracle will help keep your heart healthy for years to come.
Even before The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was passed, medical doctors were giving these shots to children. Parents, like myself, trusted doctors. We had no idea what matter was being injected into our children. My first child had bad reactions every time and I thought that he was just a sickly child. I thought that i was being a good parent. I had no idea that these injections contained aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, fluoride, animal cells, animal viruses, etc. Even in 1957 I knew how bad aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde were...I would never have permitted these shots, if I had known these items were in them. In 2010 I came across Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea which listed every ingredient in childhood vaxes. I was appalled at the ignorance or was it greed of the Medical Industry to inject America's children with toxic vaxes that lowered their mental and physical health. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from nutritious food. They strengthen the Immune System.. Toxic poisonous matter breaks down the Immune system.
We the People need to DEMAND that, this multi-decade SCAM, blanket liability for blood soaked, Big Pharma, E-N-D-S…and ASAP.
Anyone who trusts Big Pharma with the 1986 scam-legislation in place (blanket immunity) is a fool, or a liar, or both.